


CSM Lo Cascio Srl


Lo Cascio srl

The company

“CSM Lo Cascio Srl” is a young and dynamic company, with origins dating back to the early 70s. Located in the center of Sicily, in southern Italy, our headquarters are easily accessible from the main motorway junctions such as Palermo/Catania/Agrigento. We occupy an area of approximately 45,000 square meters, where we operate with modern and advanced systems. We are certified according to the UNI EN ISO 3834-2:2006 and UNI EN 1090-1 EXC3 2011 standards, demonstrating our commitment to quality and safety. Our production activity focuses on the construction of metal tanks, compliant with the most common design and manufacturing codes such as UNI EN 13445, CODAP 2005, ASME VIII Div. 1, PD 5500:2000 and UNI EN 12285-1/2. We use qualified welding operators according to EN ISO 9606:2013 and welding procedures certified according to UNI EN 15614-1, thus ensuring high quality and reliable products.


Business Expansion Productive

The positive market feedback has led to a significant expansion of the production activities of CSM Lo Cascio Srl In addition to the production of fuel tanks and water reserves, the company is dedicated to the production of pressure tanks for LPG, with capacities that can reach 350 MC, intended for both automotive and storage. Our offer also includes a range of complementary semi-finished products, including dished and rolled bottoms, hatches, flanges, special pieces, trunks for wind turbine towers and metal carpentry. Furthermore, we have expanded our production with the construction of tanks for the transport of liquid gas (LPG), the outfitting of trucks with a capacity ranging from 4 MC to 28 MC and the production of tank semi-trailers for the transport of liquefied compressed gases. The latter are designed in accordance with the ADR2 class, Classification Code 2, Order 2F, according to the latest edition of the ADR regulation, and are equipped with a transfer unit mounted on a self-supporting and load-bearing frame, both primary and secondary, with volumetric capacities in the STGL M48, M52, M54 and M55 models. All our products have obtained accreditation from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (N° 75/2015), thus ensuring high standards of quality and safety for our customers.

Contact the staff for information and quotes

Tankers for transporting liquid gas (LPG)

Tanker semi-trailers for compressed gas transport liquefied

Tanks for fuels

Find out more by coming to visit us in Caltanissetta in via dell'Imprenditore 1

Where we are
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